Featuring artists: Anneli Ollander, Mijn Scatje, Ajee, La Princesita, Dafne, Eleonara Etonioni, Lucia Leuci, Candy Brid, Noumeda Nonsonounabambola, Pinksublime, Isa Duval, Arisu, Axelle Delafolie, Marguerite Sauvage, Stoul, B9, Miss Kika, Cikita Z, Tansy Myer, Planet Pili, Agente Morillas, Naoshi.
Underscore, Italy
A list of available artworks will be sent upon request, please contact info@ajee.fr
© Ajee 2018. All rights reserved
www.ajee.fr is the website of Anne Juliette Deschamps’s early works and art collectibles. Please visit www.annejuliettedeschamps.com