Vinyl Edition by Bonustoyz /ExtendedPlayz. 2011
Set of 2 roto-casted vinyl figures
Girl 8.5” - 21,5 cm / Bear 4.5” -11,50 cm
Base and cape are removable from girl, arms and head are articulated.
Black&White 400 pieces
GlowInTheDark 140 pieces
SolidBlack 60 pieces
Kosplay is a 2 character set - a girl (un)dressed as a skull and a polar bear disguised as a panda. The panda is more endangered than the polar bear. May be she did a makeup on him to protect him a little longer?
(Photo courtesy of TOMENOSUKE)
Related exhibitions:
.NYCC 2011, New York, U.S.A
.Art Toy Culture 2014, Seoul Korea
Related Bibliography:
.Last Mag
A list of available artworks will be sent upon request, please contact info@ajee.fr
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www.ajee.fr is the website of Anne Juliette Deschamps’s early works and art collectibles. Please visit www.annejuliettedeschamps.com